Well, my hair is falling out. Probably going to have to start wearing wigs or something. I'm no woman, I'm a fuckin drag queen at this point. Fuck everything.
My feelings from the last blog post have only amplified by a factor of ten. I hate sex, I hate sex appeal, I hate having a libido, I hate everything to do with sex and attraction and romance and love. Every time I see anyone attractive, especially another woman, ESPECIALLY another trans woman, I seethe with rage that I can honestly barely contain. It's partially why I seclude myself as much as I do. No one wants to be around an ugly twink who gets visibly enraged whenever someone pretty does so much as exist near her. I get so angry sometimes that I honestly feel like I WILL start swinging at people (and promptly get my ass HANDED to me. Trust me, I'm not saying this stuff to seem tough or powerful. I am scrawny as Fuck and even weaker than I look. 99.999% of the population could EASILY beat me in a fight and I am very aware of this, so I don't attempt to attack anyone, it would just be suicide to try.) Ever since I started transitioning my life is just completely encompassed by hatred for all things, but especially anything sex-related. I've gone from sex-positive to sex-repulsed to sex-enraged. I really fucking hate everything tbh.
Having a day where I just really hate the internet. I hate other people on the internet. All I ever see is war, death, stupidity, porn-addicted assholes oggling over anything with a noticeable chest and/or hips, and much more. It just pisses me off to such a degree. I feel completely disconnected from the larger population both on the internet and out in the real world. I get no respite from the solitude I feel inside and it bothers the hell out of me sometimes. It most likely comes from very many places in my brain. Most notably my borderline-nonexistant self-worth and also my complete and utter lack of being able to accept and love myself as a trans woman. All I ever see in the mirror is an unattractive twink at best, and an ugly pathetic excuse of a man at worst. I just gotta suck it up and deal with it. I know I'm a woman on the inside, but that's about the only place I am. Every other part of me is so wretchedly mannish that some days I just crumble under the weight of it all. I will never ever be the woman I was meant to be, because I was born wrong. I have to accept that fact, move on, and cope with the fact that I will remain clocky and disgusting for the rest of my days (and it'll only get worse from here, thanks aging!)
I've been trying to kick weed over the past few weeks. The first week was ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. I had the shakes, cold sweats, HORRIBLE anxiety that was forcing me to stay awake, and terrible gut issues. I am now currently 13 days sober from it and much of that has subsided, though some symptoms still linger, just in a lesser form. The anxiety has been persistent and angering (oh yeah, irritability is also there) and at one point made it so over 2 days I got maybe 1 hour of sleep, and I was on the verge of another night of the same, so I went to the ER. Dumb move, yeah, and they kinda (nicely) told me so, but they still prescribed me a medication to help take the anxiety off and help me sleep. It worked for about two nights, then didn't at all. My psychiatrist at that point prescribed me a lesser dosage of the same med the ER gave me purely for the anxiety part, and a sleep med to try for a week and get back to her. The lesser dose med does help my anxiety when I catch it early, and I believe this sleep med is helping as well for now.