Faith is a strange beast to deal with in the midst of battle. Gaining faith and the bombastic proclamations that come with it can be a lot of emotions to deal with while opening someone's skull open with a blunt piece of barbaric metal. Though up until this moment Pexla had been faking it until she made it, now she’s unsure if this is truly the line of work she wants to be a part of. It was at this moment that she found herself lying in the dirt, dazed and confused, her head spiraling. Spiraling from both the explosive barrel that went off only 15 feet away and the life-changing religious epiphany that occurred in her brief unconsciousness.

The sounds of war permeated her sleeping mind as she lay in the dirt. She dreamed not of the greener pastures of her waking battlefield, but the dark, dense fog of smoke and dust of grounds long since destroyed years and years ago. She is unsure what battle this is supposed to be but it's obvious that she’s not exactly on the winning side. The clash of blades, explosive arcane auras ripple through the air as the sound of battles won and lives lost vibrate through her very core like the somber ring of a church bell. Church. A hand grabs her by the head while she still lays face-up in the ochre dirt and lifts her into the air. “Now’s not the time to give up initiate,” the monolithic figure shouted, “you’ve still got a battle to win!”

The figure sat her back down on her feet and as she peered up at the beast before her she was struck with some awful sense of impending doom or impending resolution. Before she could make out the exact visage of the man, the colors of reality washed over the wartorn field of sepia tones and desert-like despair. Once again the ground returned to its grassy state as the emerald ground met the sapphire sky. To the left of her, the remains of her squad. Karthis was bleeding out. Pexla could barely make out what was left of May. The rest were just burnt corpses. As she stepped back in horror at the fate befallen of her comrades, she heard an unfamiliar jingle. As she looks down she finds a thick steel pendant around her neck. The sensation of wellbeing seems to emanate from it into wherever it touches on her body. She feels reinvigorated and returns her sight to the unfortunate soldiers she once may have called friends had she the nerve to do so. She could only think of one thing.

“How rude.”

Mood Music: None

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